Learn Office 2013 and Office 2010 Study Guide with Audio Video lectures
Learn to use Word, Excel, Powerpoint, & Access 2013 and 2010!
Bonus: Windows 7 and Office fundamentals 2013 & 2010 Audio lectures.
Free version.
Word - 12 Training (Chapters)
Excel - 15 Training (Chapters)
Access - 14 Training (Chapters)
PowerPoint - 12 Training (Chapters)
Office Fundamentals - 2 Training (Chapters)
Windows 7 - Training (Chapters)
MUST HAVE FLASH ON PHONE! If you get an flash error, close and try again, audio will be turned off automatically, slides will progress automatically.
If you are getting a BLUE QUESTION box: this means you need to install Flash plugin for chapters to work.
(Instructions included inside)
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">Pelajari Office 2013 dan Office 2010 Study Guide dengan Audio Video ceramah
Pelajari untuk menggunakan Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access & 2013 dan 2010!
Bonus: Windows 7 dan Office 2013 & 2010 fundamental Audio kuliah.
Versi gratis.
Word - 12 Pelatihan (Bab)
Excel - 15 Pelatihan (Bab)
Akses - 14 Pelatihan (Bab)
PowerPoint - 12 Pelatihan (Bab)
Kantor Fundamental - 2 Pelatihan (Bab)
Windows 7 - Pelatihan (Bab)
HARUS MEMILIKI FLASH ON PHONE! Jika Anda mendapatkan error flash, dekat dan coba lagi, audio akan dimatikan secara otomatis, slide akan maju secara otomatis.
Jika Anda mendapatkan kotak PERTANYAAN BIRU: ini berarti Anda perlu menginstal plugin Flash untuk bab untuk bekerja.
(Instruksi disertakan dalam)</div> <div class="show-more-end">